Thursday, February 5, 2009

Congratulations to PA's 'Save America's Treasures' Recipients

Valley Forge National Historical Park: Documents, King of Prussia
The Valley Forge National Historical Park’s holdings include 1,000 documents and manuscripts from the American Revolution. These documents detail various aspects of the American Revolution, and for the most part relate directly to the Valley Forge Encampment of 1777-1778. Of special note are two orderly books that provide a closer look at the day-to-day lives of officers and soldiers during our fight for independence. With this SAT grant, these documents will be stabilized and digitized, ensuring their preservation and making them more accessible to researchers.($61,299)

Henry Melchior Muhlenberg Journal Collection, Philadelphia
Known as the father of American Lutheranism, Henry Melchior Muhlenberg’s journals record descriptions of his travels and work that offer an unparalleled glimpse into 18th- century colonial America. Many of the journals are in poor condition and some can no longer be handled. The grant funds will be used to repair and rebind the texts, and digitize them to allow for increased access to their invaluable information. ($93,191)

Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia
Eastern State Penitentiary, a National Historic Landmark, brought about a revolution in the design and management of prisons when it was opened in 1829. The roofs of two of its original cellblocks have severely deteriorated, threatening their survival as well as the safety of visitors. The grants will restore roofs, which will allow the cellblocks to be interpreted and added to the penitentiary tour. ($523,563)

USS Becuna, Independence Seaport Museum, Philadelphia
Submarine USS Becuna, commissioned in 1944, is the only remaining World War II fleet submarine of its class in existence with 90 percent of her historic fabric still intact. The stability of this National Historic Landmark, part of the Independence Seaport Museum, is threatened by the corrosion of her hull. Funds will be used to repair her ballast tanks, moorings, and fendering to prevent a breach. ($125,000)