Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Performance Review: "Fatebook"

On September 16, HPP took a group of constituents to see FATEBOOK, a Philly Live Arts Festival performance written and directed by Whit McLaughlin of New Paradise Laboratories. The performance experimented with audience and new technology, exploring "what happens when our online relationships collide with our physical ones."

The show's 13 main characters had both a personal and online presence (on Facebook and Twitter); audience members were encouraged to "friend" the characters before seeing the show in order to get to know them better. At the actual show, the FATEBOOK website states:

...[A]udiences experience FATEBOOK by trailing individual characters at will. The action plays out within a labyrinth of screens displaying the shifting cityscapes and intimate spaces in which the characters live. Twelve projectors and 4 live video feeds blur the line between the digital environment and the physical one; performers seem to step in and out of a virtual world filled with pleasure and peril. Thirteen individual stories weave into one looping, shifting world; FATEBOOK allows you to follow the story from the varying perspectives and characters, until a final retelling smashes all expectations.

Click on "comments" below to read some attendees' reflections on the show itself and the application of it to their professional lives.

If you saw the show, please feel free to also submit comments. We'd love to know your thoughts!